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Agency for
Design & Branding
in Wiesbaden

Design solutions and brand experiences that impress.


If your brand had one wish, it would be for the expertise of Lekkerwerken. Simply to be more relevant, look better and ultimately write the success story that sets it apart from others. This requires such fine things as logo and corporate design, websites with an intuitive user interface and sustainable solutions that put people at the centre. Lekkerwerken – fine brand communication.

Our expertise

For 20 years, we have been commissioned by companies, institutions and brands as experts in design and branding. We work in a user-centred way and can tailor our range of services specifically to your communication project.

Consulting & Strategy
Consulting & Strategy

We are planners, idea providers and sparring partners to set the right course for your communication project.

Corporate Design
Corporate Design

We create visual identities that successfully differentiate companies and institutions from other market competitors.

Brand Design
Brand Design

We develop suitable communication strategies, create emotional connections and set your brand apart from the competition.

UX/UI Design
UX/UI Design

We create emotional touchpoints and design complex user interfaces - including a powerful CMS.

Editorial Design
Editorial Design

We combine paper, typography and finishing expertise to create unique publications. Even with Blue Angel certification.

Information Design
Information Design

We penetrate and visualise complex issues, translating between experts and broad target groups.


You have a specific inquiry or just want to find out, if we »match« to each other? We would be pleased to meet you and talk about your concern without obligation. Just give us a call or send us an e-mail.